We’ve all seen the movie “Silver Linings Playbook”, right? RIGHT?!? OK, good, so since we’ve all seen it, you know it’s one of those feel good romcoms that leaves you feeling like even the underdog’s got a fight in this climate. It’s the “playbook” part that just doesn’t seem right… Because, why have a playbook, when you can have a captain?!? Yeah, no playbook necessary, just consult your friendly Captain. Brilliant!
No pesky pages to turn, no highlighter needed, just use your voice, because, after all, we’re all in charge of our own happiness, right? And who better to know the climate than that powerful voice inside your head to steer you where to go?
“Presto chango”!!! With this noggin candy on your head, no need to ask anyone where to go, because remember… you’re the boss, the deputy in charge of keeping it real, the CEO, the navigator, and the cartographer. Who’s the captain now? Yup! It’s you, and you’re in charge! Feels good doesn’t it? It’s like we’ve rolled Alexa, Siri, and all those voice activated gizmos, into one… the one within. In one simple hat? Yup! And, it looks good on you.